



my application shows this error

asm CPSqliteConnectionStatementForSQL 0x30897lb3:10

and it stopped at this breakpoint in debugger

0x308971cb <+0024> mov 0x8(%edi),%eax

does someone know about it?

+1  A: 
Quinn Taylor
please explain this in more detailed wayIf you're debugging in Xcode, trace back up the call stack until you reach your code, then set a breakpoint there and debug your program again. When it stops at that point, try examining the related variables and see if they have the values you do i trace back up the call stackalso tell me if you know how to use instruments and find and remove leaks
Rahul Vyas
I've edited my answer to describe Xcode debugging in more detail. Using Instruments to examine leaks is an entirely different question. Briefly, you can get going by selecting **Run > Run with Performance Tool > Leaks**. Check out or search SO or the web for more details.
Quinn Taylor