




How can I make the development server from django running permanent? So that it does't stop when i quit the shell.


+4  A: 

If you are on Linux/Unix use the "nohup" command.

nohup manage.py runserver &

Then to get it back, use the fg command:


Thanks to: Xiong Chiamiov

Then to get it back, use the fg command.
Xiong Chiamiov
This won't allow you to exit the shell as a job will be running. Right?
Adam Nelson
@Adam N. You will be able to exit the shell, the nohup is for "no hangup", it will keep running the job after you leave the shell.
+6  A: 

another easy way to do this is to run:

[user@host]$python manage.py runserver
[user@host]$screen -d

This creates the server in a screen and then detaches it. This way you can simply go back in and type:

[user@host]$screen -r

and you can take control of the server again and see whats going on.

Can one logout and get back to the screen though?
Adam Nelson

create a file with this, example /tmp/screendjango:

screen python manage.py runserver

and then you put:

screen -dmS django -c /tmp/screendjango

for attach the sessión you put

screen -d -r django.
I think that's the most complicated way to use screen, ever.
Xiong Chiamiov

On Windows, run

pythonw.exe manage.py runserver

I'm just about to do this myself. The scenario is that I'm rapid prototyping for a client and they need to see what things look like. There will never be more than 2-3 people on this at a time, but I don't want to set up Apache or stay logged in.

sudo ./manage.py runserver [run this on port 80 so a normal business user can see it]
ctrl+z [to suspend the job (same thing as appending & to the above command but then I don't need to deal with entering the sudo password on the command line)]
bg %1 [puts the job in the background]
jobs [just to see what's going on]
exit [exit the session]
Adam Nelson