I have a JSP MySQL query
<sql:query var="libraries" dataSource="jdbc/ArabiTagOnline"><br>
SELECT l.LibraryId, v1.LAvalue AS "dbESTid", v2.LAValue AS "LibName", v3.LAValue AS "Desc"
FROM ((Library l LEFT JOIN LibAttrValue v1 ON l.LibraryId = v1.LibraryId AND v1.AttributeId = 1)
LEFT JOIN LibAttrValue v2 ON l.LibraryId = v2.LibraryId AND (v2.AttributeId = 2 OR v2.AttributeId IS NULL))
LEFT JOIN LibAttrValue v3 ON l.LibraryId = v3.LibraryId AND (v3.AttributeId = 6 OR v3.AttributeId IS NULL)
This returns four columns. I tried to rename the columns in the results with AS but when iterating over the results
<c:forEach var="libraryResults" items="${libraries.rows}">
When loading the page, the columns dbESTid, LibName and Desc are blank.
I asked ${libraries.columnNames} and found out the AS statement in my query didn't rename the columns, they are all still LAValue. ${libraryResults.LAValue} only returns Desc. Any help on how I can populate this table?