



Update: I'm not looking for a wordpres plugin. I'm currently developing an application which is just using Wordpress as a CMS. I need a standalone function to upload images, and resize them to the sizer I need.

I need a library for uploading and resize iamges. I want to store the images in folders, and store image reference in database.

I've looked around and read several posts. But I can't seem to find specific suggestions on libraries to use, or tutorials.

I want to avoid using a huge framework like CodeIgnite. I feel it's a bit overkill when I only need something for handling images. Or am I wrong?

I'm using Wordpress as CMS Framework.

I hope someone can guide me to some concrete examples.


If you are using Wordpress checkout wp plugins @ BTW I'm using nextgen gallery

Ahmet Kakıcı
I'm currently using SimpleViewer - love it :)
So why did you ask that question?
Ahmet Kakıcı
Because the upload must be based on user login. User A must not be able to se users B's images (or handle them). Also, I want to make something that is CMS independant.
I think you must add this comment to question ;)
Ahmet Kakıcı

shameless plug for my own (if you can't find a good wordpress plugin, which you should be able to):

Ian Selby
Nice lib. if I need to make thumbnails ;)
Yeah, like I said... it would work for you (since you can do resizing and stuff), but there's more than likely an existing wordpress plugin out there :)
Ian Selby
+2  A: 

wideImage is great and pretty simple:

This is more in the line of what I need. Not to too well documented on how to use though. But I'll figure it out :) Thanks for the tip!
Is thre a method for uploading files? WideImage only seems to handle images already saved to a file.
Oh! Sorry it hasn't a method for uploading files. I didn't read that.

I forgot to mention class.upload.php library from is not well programmed, but has a lot of features:

  • with one uploaded file, you can do as many copies, convertions, resizing you want.
  • you can resize each image dimension, or both, keeping the image ratio or not.
  • you can choose to resize an image only if it is bigger -or smaller- than the wanted sizes
  • you can manipulate the image in many ways, play with colors, add borders, labels and watermarks...
  • its use is simplistic but powerful
  • you can work on uploaded files or local files, useful for batch processing
  • Flash uploaders are fully supported
  • MIME type detection is very comprehensive
  • more than 60 documented configuration settings
  • a lot of variables are set up during the process. You can retrieve all these values after a process.
  • error messages are understandable, and a variable log allows you to see what the class does.
  • it is already widely used on Internet
  • it is free :)
Thanks. I think I will use a simple upload script to upload the image in a temp folder. Then I will handle the image using the suggested library and store them in the correct folders.
Great, good luck.