I just finished my first C# project in VS 2008 and it is working well now. But now I need to publish this project on my new website. This project interacts with my SQL Server 2008 Adventureworks database on this same computer. I am running IIS 6.0, but I am a newbie to both IIS 6.0 and VS 2008.
I will use this same computer to host the website and house this database. I know HTML but not how to add a .NET project to a web site, especially one that also uses SQL Server. Can u offer me tips as to how to proceed? This is not a Windows Form Application, so I am pretty sure it is a Web Application.
I started by right-clicking the project and selecting "Convert to Web Application" and then I selected the URL for my site. But then when I went to this URL, it still shows the original image.
Next I opened the IIS console window (Admin tool), but I didn't see an option to add a new website, so instead I opened the Properties window for Default website. But even after changing the home directory here both to point to my project directory and also to point to my desired URL, when I refreshed my web browser it still shows same webpage from this URL. Do I have to close and reopen my web browser? There are so many tabs and options in this IIS console window. Can you give me step-by-step instructions of what to choose? I also see many Property options in VS 2008 for this project. Maybe I need to change something there?