The following DOS script snippet has a bug:
if not exist %MyFolder% (
mkdir %MyFolder%
if %errorlevel% GEQ 1 (
rem WARNING: the line above has a bug!
rem %errorlevel% will be the errorlevel
rem of the if statement because of the (parentheses)
echo Error: Could not create folder %MyFolder%
goto AnErrorOccurred
The fix is to use setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
as follows:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not exist %MyFolder% (
mkdir %MyFolder%
if !errorlevel! GEQ 1 (
rem WARNING: the line above has a bug!
rem !errorlevel! will be the errorlevel
rem of the if statement because of the (parentheses)
echo Error: Could not create folder %MyFolder%
endlocal & goto AnErrorOccurred
A full explanation of why is available here:
I want to audit my code to find instances of this bug, I figure a Regex would be an appropriate match, but haven't managed to get one working...
I think the ingredients should be: Match an environment variable surrounded with %percentsigns% That is inside (parentheses)
Any suggestions?