I have a problem figuring out the proper way to get foreign key fields to update using the Entity Framework. I do not have a problem updating them in the database, but rather on the interface.
Here are the relevant tables to my question file:///C:/Users/Mike/Desktop/RelevantTables.bmp
I have a "Team" form with a Master/Detail type view (master = Team, detail = Player), and show the Players in a ListView. When you double click a Player, I show the "Edit Player" form.
Here is how I am loading the data in my TeamForm Window_Loaded event:
var TeamQuery = from t in ScoresDB.Team
.Where(x => x.TeamID == TeamID)
select t;
TeamData = new TeamCollection(TeamQuery, ScoresDB);
TeamViewSource = (CollectionViewSource)FindResource("TeamViewSource");
PlayerViewSource = (CollectionViewSource)FindResource("PlayerViewSource");
TeamViewSource.Source = TeamData;
TeamView = (ListCollectionView)TeamViewSource.View;
TeamView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(TeamView_CurrentChanged);
PlayerView = (BindingListCollectionView)PlayerViewSource.View;
This is what I am doing when the user wants to edit a player:
// If the user made changes to the player, then refresh our view
if (PlayerForm.EditPlayer(SelectedPlayer.PlayerID)) {
ScoresDB.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.ClientWins, PlayerView);
My problem is that, although every field that is not a foreign key does reflect the changes in the ListView, the PlayerPosition does not. It is being properly changed in the database. Do I need to re-query the database every time?
I get the distinct feeling that I am doing all of this quite poorly as I am just starting to trudge through WPF and EF.
If anyone has a clue what is going on or just wishes to tell me how silly I am being doing it this way, that is fine with me!
Thanks in advance, Mike