




I have working script that the user completes inputs on a form and when they submit the form and the content of the form inputs are entered as a table row.

Is there any way of, I think within the JS to make each row have a unique ID and add a delete button to the last colum of each row so the user can delete an individual row.

Thanks for saving a life!!!!


    <form id="my_form" action="table_form.php" method="post">
            <div style="width:10%; float:left;">
             Quantity<br />
             <input name="field_1" type="text" id="field_1" size="3" />
            <div style="width:20%; float:left;">
             Part Number<br />
             <input type="text" id="field_2" name="field_2" />
            <div style="width:30%; float:left;">
                Notes<br />
                <input name="field_3" type="text" id="field_3" size="45" />
            <div style="width:20%; float:left;">
                Unit Price<br />
                <input type="text" id="field_4" name="field_4" />
           <div style="width:20%; float:left;">
             <br />
             <input type="submit" value="Add Row" />

            Here we create our HTML table.
            Note the ID of the table. This will be used in our javascript file
            Our table only contains a header row. All other content will be added dynamically
        --><? $rowid = 1; ?>
        <table width="100%" id="my_table">
        <tbody id="my_table_body">
          <th width="5%"><div align="left">Qty</div></th>
          <th width="19%"><div align="left">Part Number</div></th>
          <th width="46%"><div align="left">Notes</div></th>
          <th width="15%"><div align="left">Unit Price</div></th>
          <th width="15%"><div align="left">Row Total</div></th>


window.addEvent('domready', function(){
    $('my_form').addEvent('submit', function(e){
    this.set('send', {
          onComplete: function( response ){
    var data = JSON.decode(response);
    inject_row( $('my_table_body'), data );
    var valid_form = true;
         $$('#my_form input').each(function(item){
          if( item.value == '' ) valid_form = false;
    if( valid_form ) {
         } else {
          alert('Fill in all fields');

    var inject_row = function( table_body, data ){
    var row_str = '<tr width="100%">';
         data.each( function(item, index){
          row_str += '<td>'+item+'</td>';
         row_str += '<td><input type="submit" name="deleterow" id="deleterow" value="Delete" /></td></tr>';
    var newRow = htmlToElements( row_str );
    newRow.inject( table_body );

    var htmlToElements = function(str){  
            return new Element('div', {html: '<table><tbody>' + str + '</tbody></table>'}).getElement('tr');  




  * If nothing is being posted to this script redirect to
  * our HTML page.
 if( ! $_POST ){
    header('Location: newquote.php');

 // create an empty array for our results
 $results = array();

  * Stick the values from _POST into our results array
  * while also stripping out any html tags
  * This is where you would perform any required processing
  * of the form data such as server side validation or updating
  * a database.
 foreach( $_POST as $field ){
    $results[] = strip_tags( $field );

 // Echo our results as a JSON encoded string.
 echo json_encode( $results );

+1  A: 

This should be unique enough for this project:

var newDate = new Date;
var id = newDate.getTime();

Then it would just be a matter of adding it the row in your loop and linking it to your delete button.

+1  A: 

I always use the php function uniqid(). It generates a unique id based on the time in microseconds. PHP Documentation.

You could loop through your results in PHP and add the result from uniqid() to each result before using json_encode().

Brian Ramsay
+2  A: 

I agree with J-P, it sounds like you don't need an unique id here.
Since the question is tagged "jquery" I suggest using the live event binding, e.g.

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready( function() {
        $(".deleterow").live("click", function() {

      function foo(id) {
        $("#"+id).append('<tr><td>'+(new Date()).getSeconds()+'</td><td>x</td><button class="deleterow">delete</button></td></tr>');
    <table id="t1">
      <tr><td>a</td><td>A</td><td><button class="deleterow">delete</button></td></tr>
      <tr><td>b</td><td>B</td><td><button class="deleterow">delete</button></td></tr>
      <tr><td>c</td><td>C</td><td><button class="deleterow">delete</button></td></tr>
    <button onclick="foo('t1')">add</button>

The function passed to $(document).ready() is invoked when ...well, as the name states, when the document (dom) is ready.
$(".deleterow").live("click", ... : Whenever a click event occurs on an element with the css class "deleterow" the function passed as second parameter is invoked. In this case

function() {

When the function is invoked the this-context is the element where the event occurred. parents("tr:first") returns the first/"nearest" tr element in the ancestor-axis of the current element. remove() is probably self-explaining...

edit: ok, now that the jquery tag is gone.... shows a live-event binding for mootools. Using that the "new" solution is quite similar to the jquery script

window.addEvent('domready', function() {
  // add an onclick handler for all current and future button elements
  // within the table id=t1
  $('t1').addLiveEvent('click', 'button', function(e){ 
    // a button in t1 has been clicked, this=button element
    // get the "nearest" tr in the parent/ancestor-axis
    // and remove it
Sorry VolkerK, must be having a dumb day cause I cannot see how this fits into my code...I know you have done alot of work here but I just cannot follow....
don't bother, the reply is irrelevant as it's for jquery. then again, why was this question tagged jquery, somebody ought to remove it...
Dimitar Christoff
Hi Dimitar Christoff, I have removed the jquery tag....can you help me with your code?
mootools version aded
no point, upvoting volkerk's solution, although live events is probably overkill unless the table is really big.
Dimitar Christoff
but it reduces the amount of code to a size that even someone who has never used mootools before (like me ;-)) can understand it ...or easily look it up in the docs.