I have the following table lookup table in OLTP
CREATE TABLE TransactionState
TransactionStateId INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
TransactionStateName VarChar (100)
When this comes into my OLAP, I change the structure as follows:
CREATE TABLE TransactionState
TransactionStateId INT NOT NULL, /* not an IDENTITY column in OLAP */
TransactionStateName VarChar (100) NOT NULL,
StartDateTime DateTime NOT NULL,
EndDateTime NULL
My question is regarding the TransactionStateId column. Over time, I may have duplicate TransactionStateId values in my OLAP, but with the combination of StartDateTime and EndDateTime, they would be unique.
I have seen samples of Type-2 Dimensions where an OriginalTransactionStateId is added and the incoming TransactionStateId is mapped to it, plus a new TransactionStateId IDENTITY field becomes the PK and is used for the joins.
CREATE TABLE TransactionState
TransactionStateId INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
OriginalTransactionStateId INT NOT NULL, /* not an IDENTITY column in OLAP */
TransactionStateName VarChar (100) NOT NULL,
StartDateTime DateTime NOT NULL,
EndDateTime NULL
Should I go with bachellorete #2 or bachellorete #3?