
Type II dimension joins

I have the following table lookup table in OLTP CREATE TABLE TransactionState ( TransactionStateId INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, TransactionStateName VarChar (100) ) When this comes into my OLAP, I change the structure as follows: CREATE TABLE TransactionState ( TransactionStateId INT NOT NULL, /* not an IDENTITY column i...

Tracking what the MERGE command and its OUTPUT did

I am modifying a Type 2 dimension using the following (long) SQL statement: INSERT INTO AtlasDataWarehouseReports.District ( Col01, Col02, Col03, Col04, Col05, Col06, Col07, Col08, Col09, Col10, StartDateTime, EndDateTime ) SELECT Col01, Col02, Col03, Col04, Col05, ...

Looping through a two-dimensional array in a asp.net MVC View.

Hi, My problem is as follows: I'm making a ranking board for my team. I've managed to get the data out of the database and I put it into a two-dimensional array. I sent it as model data to the view. Now I don't know how to loop through the two-dimensional array. Normally it would be something like this: For Each record in Model ... ...

Find deleted records from a type-2 table, efficiently

I've got a database table of type-2 data, and I want to find records that were deleted since I last synced with it. It's got date_from and date_to columns, and the raw data has an ID column object_id. date_to<>null means it doesn't exist now, so if there's no other record with the same object_id and date_to=null, then it's been deleted...

"Dimension Lookup/Update": type-2 SCD date_from value?

I'm trying to use Pentaho Data Integration / Pan to make a type-2 (SCD) table. After I ran my data through a DimensionLookup step a first time, I got a type-2 table that looks like: PKID version date_from date_to MyPK Field1 Field2 ... 150 1 1900-01-01 00:00:00 2199-12-31 23:59:59 1 "X"...