




I'm trying to use the AjaxToolkit's ModalPopupExtender, but it doesn't work. In fact, as soon as it opens, it's getting closed. So I can see that it is rendered, but it's getting closed in the second.

I tried that with IE6 and Firefox 3, it does the samething.

Here's the code:

<AjaxControlToolkit:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" TargetControlID="ButtonTarget" PopupControlID="Panel1" OkControlID="ButtonOk" CancelControlID="ButtonCancel" BackgroundCssClass="modal-background" runat="server">

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" Style="display: none;" runat="server">
<%-- some stuff... --%>
+1  A: 

Hi Fred,

Use update panel for that work because when you click button it take also post back so thats why you just see the popup and it close on same time.

Emaad Ali
Even if I'm not working on this project anymore, and it's been about 8 months (and I probably found a work around since then), I think that this would be a correct assessment that I was missing an update panel. Thanks
Mentioned not,yup you right that you missing this thing because few months ago i am also facing this type of problem which would be solved by my ownself.can you please vote my you find my solution correct?
Emaad Ali

Yes, it really usefull, thanks for saving my time :D btw i think we also use 'UpdateMode="Conditional"' properties to make it works.

Great job Ali :)