Let me start off with a bit of background.
This morning one of our users reported that Testuff's setup file has been reported as infected with a virus by the CA antivirus. Confident that this was a false positive, I looked on the web and found that users of another program (SpyBot) have reported the same problem.
A now, for the actual question.
Assuming the antivirus is looking for a specific binary signature in the file, I'd like to find the matching sequences in both files and hopefully find a way to tweak the setup script to prevent that sequence from appearing.
I tried the following in Python, but it's been running for a long time now and I was wondering if there was a better or faster way.
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
spybot = open("spybotsd160.exe", "rb").read()
testuff = open("TestuffSetup.exe", "rb").read()
s = SequenceMatcher(None, spybot, testuff)
print s.find_longest_match(0, len(spybot), 0, len(testuff))
Is there a better library for Python or for another language that can do this? A completely different way to tackle the problem is welcome as well.