




I want to know more about OOP in PHP 5.2.

Can anybody help me with a link to advanced OOP tutorials in PHP?

I know about static, public and private class member attributes, I need more info about basic and advanced OO techniques. I hope somebody can help. :)

Thanks a lot to all.



a ordere site whit tutorials thanks :) i have read on php.net/oop but i need more info.
+3  A: 
Andrew Moore
tanks for tip about the book, but that i need its links on the internet :) its "OOP tutorils" i need. :)
"I don't understand why so many young/new programmers have a total aversion for books when they start learning." It seems as if all the books people recommend are always the most expensive ones. $20ish for a book I don't mind, but $50 and upwards is kind of a lot.
**@nilamo:** Because it is those books that teach you the most.
Andrew Moore
**@NeoNmaN:** OOP Tutorials won't help you if you don't understand abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
Andrew Moore
thats i men is i need to read about ( abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. ) like you say, don't in a book, becures i need to read it on internet and have PHP samples soe i can understand it better. :)
@Andrew Moore: I'm finding that out. A lot of people recommended Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think, and it's subject matter was aligned with my interests so I picked it up. $40ish, but definitely worth it.
**@nilamo:** Oh yes! Great book! I've have it in my library. Very fast read, but extremely well written!
Andrew Moore
**@NeoNmaN:** I've modified my post to include a second book which is more PHP oriented. I've heard good things about that book. It will also teach you about OOP Concepts. Trust me when I say tutorials won't get you very far.
Andrew Moore
Or at least won't make you stand out of the crowd in the case of a PHP developer.
Andrew Moore
The design pattern book impacted my career so much. It's a book I always have sitting next to my PC
+1  A: 

Have you checked out the OOP WikiBook entry?

Tanks, i print the Wiki page out, :) now i need samples. tanks of lot.

This is good: http://www.tuxradar.com/practicalphp/6/0/0
