



Following on from one of the answers in this thread;

I'm trying to create a sql table function that will take parameters in order to perform queries on xml data. The function can then be consumed by a linq query.

Issue's i'm having are ;

  1. If i take the code from the previously mentioned thread i get a "The argument 1 of the xml data type method "value" must be a string literal" error.

  2. If i write my own function using sp_executesql then i get a "Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function."

Here's my function;

    -- Add the parameters for the function here
    @valueXPath varchar(255), 
    @criteriaXPath varchar(255),
    @intCriteriaVal int
RETURNS @returntable TABLE 
omId int,
xmlNodes xml

DECLARE @strExecute nvarchar(4000), @SingleQuote varchar(1)
SET @SingleQuote = char(39)

SET @strExecute = 'insert into @returntable select omID,
   omText.query(' + @SingleQuote + @valueXPath + @SingleQuote + ') as Value
   from dbo.htOperationsManuals
   where omText.value(' + @SingleQuote + @criteriaXPath + @SingleQuote + ', ' + @SingleQuote + 'int' + @SingleQuote + ') = ' + ltrim(str(@intCriteriaVal))

exec sp_executesql @strExecute

And here's my test for it;

@valueXPath varchar(255), 
@criteriaXPath varchar(255),
@intCriteriaVal int

SET @valueXPath = '/operationsManual/sections/section/contentItem'
SET @criteriaXPath = '(/operationsManual/sections/section/contentItem/imageContentItem/imageId)[1]'
SET @intCriteriaVal = 131

select * from fnGetOpManualXMLDataFromInt(@valueXPath, @criteriaXPath, @intCriteriaVal)

Can anyone think of a way of achieving this?

EDIT: BTW, the reason i'm not doing this directly in linq is that i get a error;

  Dim imageUsage = From opmanual In dc.OperationsManuals _
                   Where opmanual.OutOfService = False _
                   And opmanual.omText.<sections>.<section>.<contentItem>.<imageContentItem>.<imageId>.Value = imageId _
                   Select opmanual


Message = "Method 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Xml.Linq.XElement] Elements(System.Xml.Linq.XName)' has no supported translation to SQL."
+1  A: 

You can't execute dynamic xpath, you should write a usual query with xpath function arguments being literal strings and embed your parameters in these strings with sql:variable(@var). Take a look at this thread for more info.

Ok, i can see sql:variables are probably the way to go.... I can't find many similar examples of where the sql variable holds the entire path... Only where it's being used in the traditional sense of holding a variable for comparison against hardcoded xml elements/attribute paths. Any ideas?
I'm not sure that that's even possible, never had to do it. I'd guess even if that's possible, you could achieve it with some clever dynamic quering or something.
In the end on this one, i created a stored procedure... then referenced it in linq and used the resultset to join to the other linq tables i needed to use. Simples.