This is the server version.
When I ssh into it, I encounter the following problems:
Problem 1
tab completion behaves weird to the point of being unusable:
> cd ~/<press TAB>
-sh: <( compgen -d -- '/home/dmitriid/' ): No such file or directory
> vi ~/.<press TAB>
<( compgen -d -- '/home/dmitriid/.' ): No such file or directory
-sh: <( eval compgen -f -X '*.@(o|so|so.!(conf)|a|rpm|gif|GIF|jp?(e)g|
JP?(E)G|mp3|MP3|mp?(e)g|MPG|avi|AVI|asf|ASF|ogg|OGG|class|CLASS)' --
$(quote_readline $cur) ): No such file or directory
> nano ~/.<press TAB>
./ .bash_logout .mc/ .viminfo
../ .bashrc .mysql_history
.aptitude/ .erlang.cookie .profile
.bash_history .gitconfig .ssh/
Is there a way to fix that?
Problem 2
I use mc quite a lot. I often do a Ctrl+O to hide panels and work in the shell. In my case:
- Ctrl + O hides panels
- Any keypress brings the panels back
Is there a way to fix that as well?
Thank you!