




I have a form that looks somewhat like this:

public class MaintainForecastInputForm extends ActionForm {
  private MainMenuForm mainMenuForm = new MainMenuForm();
  public SelectProdLineAssociationForm selectProdLineAssociationForm = new SelectProdLineAssociationForm();
  private EconometricDataForm econometricDataForm = new EconometricDataForm();
    private EconometricImportDownloadForm econometricImportDownloadForm = new EconometricImportDownloadForm();
    private String userAction;
    private List<MaintainForecastInputForm.DemandForecast> demands = new ArrayList<MaintainForecastInputForm.DemandForecast>();
    private List<MaintainForecastInputForm.DemandForecast> forecasts = new ArrayList<MaintainForecastInputForm.DemandForecast>();
    private DemandForecast iimsForecast = new DemandForecast();
    private DemandForecast econometricForecast = new DemandForecast();

  public static class DemandForecast {
     private String subType;
     private String shortTermWtAvg="0.0";
     private String midTermWtAvg="0.0";
     private String longTermWtAvg="0.0";
     private String shortTermPct="0.0";
     private String midTermPct="0.0";
     private String longTermPct="0.0";
     private List yearDemands = new ArrayList();

    public static class Year { 
      private String fyTotalValue="0.0";
      private String fyPctChange="0.0";
      private List monthDemands = new ArrayList();

      public String getFyPctChange() {
       return fyPctChange;

      public void setFyPctChange(String fyPctChange) {
       this.fyPctChange = fyPctChange;

      public String getFyTotalValue() {
       return fyTotalValue;

      public void setFyTotalValue(String fyTotalValue) {
       this.fyTotalValue = fyTotalValue;
    } // Year

      public static class Month {
      private String demandValue="0.0";
      private String demandQuantity="0.0";

      public String getDemandQuantity() {
       return demandQuantity;

      public void setDemandQuantity(String demandQuantity) {
       this.demandQuantity = demandQuantity;

      public String getDemandValue() {
       return demandValue;

      public void setDemandValue(String demandValue) {
       this.demandValue = demandValue;
    } // Month

    public String getLongTermPct() {
      return longTermPct;

     public void setLongTermPct(String longTermPct) {
      this.longTermPct = longTermPct;

     public String getLongTermWtAvg() {
      return longTermWtAvg;

     public void setLongTermWtAvg(String longTermWtAvg) {
      this.longTermWtAvg = longTermWtAvg;

     public String getMidTermPct() {
      return midTermPct;

     public void setMidTermPct(String midTermPct) {
      this.midTermPct = midTermPct;

     public String getMidTermWtAvg() {
      return midTermWtAvg;

     public void setMidTermWtAvg(String midTermWtAvg) {
      this.midTermWtAvg = midTermWtAvg;

     public String getShortTermPct() {
      return shortTermPct;

     public void setShortTermPct(String shortTermPct) {
      this.shortTermPct = shortTermPct;

     public String getShortTermWtAvg() {
      return shortTermWtAvg;

     public void setShortTermWtAvg(String shortTermWtAvg) {
      this.shortTermWtAvg = shortTermWtAvg;

     public String getSubType() {
      return subType;

     public void setSubType(String subType) {
      this.subType = subType;

     public List getYearDemands() {
      return yearDemands;

     public void setYearDemands(List yearDemands) {
      this.yearDemands = yearDemands;
    } // DemandForecast

and in my JSP I have the following:

<c:forEach items="${form.iimsForecast.yearDemands}" var="yearDemand"       varStatus="year">
    <c:forEach items="${yearDemand.monthDemands}" var="yearMonth"       varStatus="month">
        <c:when test="${year.count == 1 && month.count < yearDemand.currentMonth}">
          <td class="lightShaded dmnd">
            <html-el:text property="form.iimsForecast.yearDemands.monthDemands.demandValue">

I'm getting a JSP exception - getter property is not been found in the form although it is there. Can somebody help me with this problem please?


This may sound obvious, but did you add the tag library to the page?

<%@ taglib prefix="html" uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html-el" %>
+2  A: 

Your code does not show whether you have a getIimsForecast() method on your form (it only shows iimsForecast property) - if you don't, you need to add it. However, that's not the only problem.

Your property path includes yearDemands and monthDemands and getter methods for both return Lists. That's illegal - nested property path must either have single beans or have indexed access for list elements (e.g. iimsForecast.yearDemands[0].monthDemands[0].demandValue).

Finally, you probably don't need to prefix your property path with form, although that depends on your configuration and whether you have an enclosing <html:form> tag.
