



Hello all,

I am building a small web application to run midi files. Currently I am using quick time to play the midi files. The problem is that I do not know to what source I need to tie the object until the user enters some information (something like a search ). I need to be able to update the quicktime movie to the correct path. Is it possible? Does ajax support this?

+2  A: 

AJAX is a technique. What you want to do is to change the QuickTime Movie path with JavaScript.

var qtMovie=document.getElementById('yourMovieEmbedID');
qtMovie.src='your new source';

You should wrap this code in a function and run it when the user clicks on the OK button.

Christian Toma
Yes, but won't I need to force the page to reload in order for me to listen to the correct source?
No, JavaScript is dynamic. The changes apply immediately.
Christian Toma
ok, this doesn't seem to work =[When putting this value:function SetSource(newSource) { document.midiFilePlayer.src = newSource alert('new source ' + document.midiFilePlayer.src);}the src value does not update.
Try using .setAttribute('src', 'new source');
Christian Toma
I see, it does seem to update the value, though it doesn't completely solve the problem, I can't seem to update the src value of the embed part, this is the problmatic part of the quick time plug-in code: <embed src="myMidiLocation" width="160" height="120" name="midiFilePlayer" autoplay="false" controller="false" enablejavascript="true"pluginspage=""/>
Then maybe you selected the wrong element (not the embed).
Christian Toma

If you actually need to add a <param> (as opposed to adjusting an attribute value), I've discovered that grabbing the <object>, cloning it, adding the <param> and then replacing the current <object> tag seems to work in most browsers (although it doesn't seem to work in Firefox). See this answer for a working example.

That linked answer is for every <object> on a page, here is how you would do it for a single instance of the tag:

// create the appropriate <param>
var elementToAppend = document.createElement('param');
elementToAppend.setAttribute('name', 'src');
elementToAppend.setAttribute('value', 'blah.midi');
// get a reference to the <object>
var obj = document.getElementById('yourMidiPlayerObject');
// duplicate the <object>
var newObj = obj.cloneNode(true);
// append the <param> to the <object>
// replace the <object> on the page
obj.parentNode.replaceChild(newObj, obj);

If the <param> you want to modify already exists things are a bit different:

// get a reference to the <object>
var obj = document.getElementById('yourMidiPlayerObject');
// duplicate the <object>
var newObj = obj.cloneNode(true);
// get a reference to the current <param>
var param = document.getElementById('theParamId');
// duplicate the <param>
var newParam = param.cloneNode(true);
// change the value of the <param>
newParam.setAttribute('value', 'newblah.midi');
// replace the <param> tag on the <object>
newObj.replaceChild(newParam, param);
// replace the <object> on the page
obj.parentNode.replaceChild(newObj, obj);

In both cases, the trick to getting it working in IE, Opera, Safari and Chrome is to replace the <object> on the page. Appending a new <param> to the existing <object> doesn't seem to make it reparse the value or load the newly referred to content.

Grant Wagner