I'm putting together a portfolio website which includes a number of images, some of which I don't want to be viewable by the general public. I imagine that I'll email someone a user name and password, with which they can "log-in" to view my work.
I've seen various solutions to the "hide-an-image" problem on line including the following, which uses php's readfile. I've also seen another that uses .htaccess.
I'm not crazy about the readfile solution, as it seems slow to load the images, and I'd like to be able to use Cabel Sasser's FancyZoom, which needs unfettered access to the image, (his library wants a link to the full sized image), so that rules out .htaccess.
To recap what I'm trying to do:
1) Provide a site where I give users the ability to authenticate themselves as someone I'd like looking at my images. 2) Restrict random web users from being able see those images. 3) Use FancyZoom to blow up thumbnails.
I don't care what technology this ends up using -- Javascript, PHP, etc. -- whatever's cleanest and easiest.
By the way, I'm a Java Developer, not a web developer, so I'm probably not thinking about the problem correctly.