



I am using fork() and execvp() to spawn a process that must believe it is connected to an interactive terminal for it to function properly.

Once spawned, I want to capture all the output from the process, as well as be able to send input to the process.

I suspect psuedo-ttys may help here. Does anyone have a snippet on how to do this?

+1  A: 

There's a package called "expect" which you should use. It uses a scripting language called tcl (pronounced tickle).

Although the expect web site looks amateurish, expect has been around for many years so it's a solid package.
Since the OP begins with "I am using fork() and execvp() to spawn a process..." it is clear that they want to include this functionality in an existing program, not rewrite it in TCL for expect.
+1  A: 

You want to call forkpty(). From the man page:

#include <pty.h> /* for openpty and forkpty */

pid_t forkpty(int *amaster, char *name, struct termios *termp, struct winsize *winp);

Link with -lutil.

The forkpty() function combines openpty(), fork(), and login_tty() to create a new process operating in a pseudo-terminal. The file descrip‐ tor of the master side of the pseudo-terminal is returned in amaster, and the filename of the slave in name if it is not NULL. The termp and winp parameters, if not NULL, will determine the terminal attributes and window size of the slave side of the pseudo-terminal.

Your parent process talks to the child by reading and writing from the file descriptor that forkpty stores in "amaster" - this is called the master pseudo-terminal device. The child just talks to stdin and stdout, which are connected to the slave pseudo-terminal device.

forkpty() is on Linux and Mac, but not e.g. Solaris or AIX. If you want portability, POSIX defines the functions posix_openpt(), ptsname(), grantpt(), and unlockpt().
Aye it is a BSD standard, inherited by Linux.
+1  A: 

Expect was already mentioned for use via Tcl, but it can also be used without Tcl by treating it as a C library and calling the API documented here

Colin Macleod