The best way to do this will depend entirely upon the structure and organization of your javascript. Assuming that you are using objects to represent each of your GUI elements you could use a static counter to increment your ids:
// Your element constructor
function GuiElement() { = GuiElement.getID();
GuiElement.counter = 0;
GuiElement.getID = function() { return 'element_' + GuiElement.counter++; };
Of course you probably have more than one type of element, so you could either set each of them up so that they have their own counter (e.g. form_1, form_2, label_1, label_2) or so that they all share a counter (e.g. element_1, element_2, element_3), but either way you will probably want them to inherit from some base object:
// Your base element constructor
function GuiElement(tagName, className) {
this.tagName = tagName;
this.className = className;
GuiElement.counter = 0;
GuiElement.getID = function() { return 'element_' + GuiElement.counter++; };
GuiElement.prototype.init = function() {
this.node = document.createElement(this.tagName); = = GuiElement.getID();
this.node.className = this.className;
// An element constructor
function Form() {
Form.prototype = new GuiElement('form', 'form gui-element');
// Another element constructor
function Paragraph() {
Paragraph.prototype = new GuiElement('p', 'paragraph gui-element');
You could also go this route if you would rather keep some variables "private":
// Your element constructor constructor
var GuiElement = (function() {
var counter = 0;
function getID() {
return 'element_' + counter++;
return function GuiElement(tagName, className) {
return function() {
this.node = document.createElement(tagName); = = getID();
this.node.className = className + ' gui-element';
this.className = className;
// Create your element constructors
var Form = GuiElement('form', 'form'),
Paragraph = GuiElement('p', 'paragraph');
// Instantiate elements
var f1 = new Form(),
f2 = new Form(),
p1 = new Paragraph();
Update: If you need to verify that an id is not already in use then you could add the check you and of the getID methods:
var counter = 0;
function getID() {
var id = 'element_' + counter++;
while(document.getElementById(id)) id = 'element_' + counter++;
return id;