



Is Eclipse at all themeable? I would like to install a dark color scheme for it, since I much prefer white text on dark background than the other way around.

Edit: so apparently there is NO easy way to do it. Shame, I really prefer Eclipse to NetBeans, but I cannot stand the white background (and NetBeans does support themes).

+32  A: 

Here's a guy that posted his Eclipse preferences for changing the colors like a theme:


And here's more about how to set the colors in the Ganymede Eclipse version (v. 3.4, mid 2008):

I posted up way back in 2006 and while some people have had success with it, I think it doesn't quite work for recent versions of Eclipse (some readers have emailed me). YMMV!
Chu Yeow
I did this but used Consolas - very nice, thanks!
Mark Occurences can be reenabled if you are missing it (as I was) by going to Prefs -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations -> Occurrences and enabling "Text as Highlighted"
+5  A: 

Check this site:

The update link doesnt work through the Eclipse Software Update process.
@Rajat: just uncheck the "Show by group"
This provides the dark theme, but seems not to have code-completion or automatic import management for Java.
+2  A: 

As I replied to "Is there a simple, consistent way to change the color scheme of eclipse editors?":

I've been looking for this too and after a bit of research found a workable solution. This is based on the FDT editor for Eclipse, but I'm sure you could apply the same logic to other editors.

My blog post: Howto create a color-scheme for fdt

Hope this helps!

Wijnand Warren
It is not a real colorscheme... In netbeans you switch the colors once, and it works for all the languages at once. Eclipse has separate settings for every editor, and what's worse the annotations settings are common to all of them.
Bartosz Radaczyński
+4  A: 

I have to say, this is one area where Eclipse is really weak. Specifically, the import/export of preferences applies to ALL preferences. There is no way to import say just the fonts/color preferences (like you can with Visual Studio) without mucking up my key binding preferences.

Also, I have tried several of these preference files referenced above, and they completely break my Eclipse install.

you can import/export only the color prefs. But you have to edit the preferences file manually and delete everything besides the color-related entries
Bartosz Radaczyński
+1  A: 

For me it's not only frustrating, I get migraines after a few hours of looking at a white screen!

yup, iy sucks, although with a little bit of work you can make a dark scheme in eclipse, it;s just that you have to set every colour separately :(
Bartosz Radaczyński

I played with customizing the colors. I went with the yellow text/blue background I've liked from Turbo Pascal. The problem I ran into was it let you set the colors of the editors but then the other views like Package Explorer or Navigator stayed with the default black-on-white colors. I'm sure you could do it programatically but there are waaaay to many settings for my patience.

Kelly French
Most of the other views are controlled by the colors specified by the operating system. For example, on Windows you can head to the Advanced Appearance settings and change the *Window* item with your desired colors. Of course, this means all your applications change across the entire operating system, which may be good or bad depending on your taste.
+3  A: 

I've created several color themes, and a script to extract a new one from someone's color preferences. I'm currently using one I still have yet to post on the site, but I should eventually get to it.

Thanks, I added a few words on how to export.
Gaël Marziou
Excellent. It would be nice if each of those themes had a screenshot!
+1  A: 


I have finally found exactly what I have been looking for, i.e. a dark theme for pydev (although I still feel like Eclipse is missing out on this)

Bartosz Radaczyński
+2  A: 

Related post I made recently (includes dark themes)

that is great, but the problem with eclipse is that you have to define the colors for each editor separately. This sucks! I am using pydev and java perspectives, and I would like to have the colors set up once and for all (the same way it's done in netbeans). This will probably not happen anytime soon, though...
Bartosz Radaczyński
+1  A: 

This is another dark eclipse theme:

I have the Visual Studio equivalent of the theme.


Here's a rev 0.0.1 of an attempt at a dark background colour scheme for Eclipse: Screenshot: Any feedback at all? (this is a big departure from what I normally use for Vim, which is:

+2  A: 

For linux users, assuming you run compositing window manager (Compiz), you can just turn the window negative. I use eclipse like this all the time, the normal (whitie) looks is blowing my eyes of.

nice one. I actually tuned eclipse pretty well by now using all the links in the answers. But I also use a dark colorscheme in KDE...
Bartosz Radaczyński

If you use Aptana then you can download a dark color theme! I have been looking for one recently and found the Aptana one. Thought others might be interested!

Check out:

Ryan Alberts
+2  A: 

Hi there, I've created my own dark color scheme (based on Oblivion from gedit), which I think is very nice to work with.

Preview & details at:

I love Oblivion in gedit, and your instructions were just what I wanted. A+

Checkout this color scheme I created for Eclipse PDT. It is based on the Vim Zenburn color scheme developed by slinky


In response to this comment I made a filter for Color Filter plugin for Compiz.

Here's what I got:


  1. Go to /usr/share/compiz/filters/
  2. Create new file "negative-low-contrast" (as root)
  3. Insert the attached code into it.
  4. Go to System->Preferences->CompizConfig ...
  5. Enter Color Filter Plugin
  6. Enable it and add newly created filter to the list Profeet!!

Filter code:

TEMP temp, neg;

# Dunno what's this... but every other filter starts with this :) ;
TEX temp, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], RECT;

# Applying negative filter ;
RCP neg.a, temp.a;
MAD temp.rgb, -neg.a, temp, 1.0;
MUL temp.rgb, temp.a, temp;
MUL temp, fragment.color, temp;

# Lowering contrast and shifting brightness ;
MUL temp.rgb, temp, 0.8;
ADD temp.rgb, temp, 0.25;

MOV result.color, temp;

You also can play with the filter. May be you will get something more facinating :) Feel free to share!


For the quick hack, on Linux running GNOME with a Windows keyboard, Windows-Key-M will inverse-color all windows, and Windows-Key-N will inverse color a single window. It's an awesome feature, in my book.

Dean J