I have a situation where I've wrapped a Native C++ DLL with C++/CLI for eventual use in C#.
There are a few callback functions that are causing some issues at run time. Particularly, I get the following exception:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidOleVariantTypeException' occurred in ToadWrapTest.dll
Additional information: Specified OLE variant is invalid.
On this line of code (C++/CLI):
public delegate int ManagedCallbackFunction (Object^ inst, const Object^ data);
public delegate int UnManagedCallbackFunction (void* inst, const void* data);
ManagedCallbackFunction^ m_callbackFn;
int intermidiaryCallback(void * pInstance, const void * pData)
void* temp = (void*)pData;
System::IntPtr ip1 = IntPtr(pInstance);
System::IntPtr ip2 = IntPtr(temp);
Object^ oInst = Marshal::GetObjectForNativeVariant(ip1);
Object^ oData = Marshal::GetObjectForNativeVariant(ip2);
//invoke the callback to c#
//return m_callbackFn::Invoke(oInst, oData);
return 0;
The reason I've made this "intermediary callback" was an attempt to circumvent the Invalid variant exception being thrown when I tried to directly map the delegate from C# to the native C++ code. As an attempted work-around, I declare a delegate on the C# side and pass that funcptr to the C++/CLI wrapper. I then pass the intermediary funcptr to the native C++ and just daisy chain the calls together.
What I know is that it all works in native C++ world. The problem is mapping the void* to the managed world. The following code shows the native C++ version of the callback:
int (*CallbackFunction) (void *inst, const void *data);
If anyone can help here, I'd really appreciate it.