+1  A: 

This is usually due to the albd not running.
Actually, it is running, but ClearCase tries to contact the wrong host.

Here: Host-local path: Eh40yd4c:D:\Views\battjo6r_view2.vws is highly suspicious.


mkview -snapshot -tag battjo6r_view2 -vws \\Eh40yd4c\Views\battjo6r_view2.vws -host Eh40yd4c -hpath \\Eh40yd4c\Views\battjo6r_view2.vws -gpath \\Eh40yd4c\Views\battjo6r_view2.vws battjo6r_view2

That is: hpath = gpath.

or, if the first command fails, also (it is simpler and may work)

mkview -snapshot -tag battjo6r_view2 -vws \\Eh40yd4c\Views\battjo6r_view2.vws battjo6r_view2

Hopefully, ClearCase could determine for itself the host, hpath and gpath.

The first one worked! Thanks.. a lot.. really :)
Jörg B.
@Jörg Glad I could help: that one is a "classic" (I lost quite a bit of time the first time I stumble upon it)

It's all OK if you satisfies with the manually approach.

If you prefer the full-automated approach, you can take a ClearCase plug-in that helps you to create and manage views (and UCM streams). Integrated with ClearCase, Windows, Linux and UNIX: http://gomidjets.com/clearenv

Tamir Gefen