



I unpacked a zip-file delivery into a clearcase view. Now I want to add the complete file tree to the repository. The GUI only provides an "Add to source control ..." for individual files/directories. Do you know how to recursively add the whole tree?

(I'm on a Windows system, but have Cygwin installed.)

+1  A: 

You have to use the commandline. The Context menu in Explorer doesnt do this recursively!

clearfsimport –recurse /usr/src/projectx /vobs/projectx/src
+1  A: 

Heres a script to do it And tips to integrate the script from Explorer

Thanks, Prakash, this works.
Markus Schnell
+4  A: 

I would rather go with the clearfsimport script, better equipped to import multiple times the same set of files, and automatically:

  • add new files,
  • make new version of existing files previously imported (but modified in the source set of files re-imported)
  • remove files already imported but no longer present in the source set of files.
  • make a clear log of all operations made during the import process.

So if your 'zip-file delivery needs to be updated on a regularly basis, clearfsimport is the way to go, but with the following options:

clearfsimport -preview -rec -nset c:\sourceDir\* m:\MyView\MyVob\MyDestinationDirectory

Note the :

  • -preview option: it will allow to check what would happen without actually doing anything.
  • '*' used only in Windows environment, in order to import the content of a directory
  • -nset option.

From CMWiki, about that 'nset' option:

By default, clearfsimport is meant to be used by the vob owner or a privileged user, but users often overlook the -nsetevent option, with which it may be used by any user.
This option drives clearfsimport not to set the time stamps of elements to this of the source file object outside the vob (which requires privileged access).
There is a minor non-obvious side-effect with this: once a version will have been created with a current time stamp, even the vob owner will not be able to import on top of it a version with an older (as it would be) time stamp, without this -nsetevent option. I.e. once you use this option, normal or privileged user, you are more or less bound to use it in the continuation.

Indeed, that would be the normal use case. One disadvantage of this approach is that you can't extract into the target directory. But I guess I could work with a fixed "import" directory.
Markus Schnell
That would be the way to do such an import, (i.e. from a separate 'source' directory), because of the preview capability (which can allow you to detect some files from your zip that you may actually not want to import!)
+1 - this helped me solve the same problem this morning.
Kaz Dragon
+6  A: 

Here is one other way I found by using the Windows Explorer:

  1. Select Search... from the context menu on the target directory.
  2. Search for *.
  3. Select all (Ctrl-A) files/directories in the result list.
  4. Select ClearCase > Add to source control... from the context menu on an item in the result list.

There you go ...

Markus Schnell


And over 1000 files, the right click after ctrl-a doesn't even complete and explorer.exe crashes.


You can also add this command to your context menu with a small script...

Ten best Triggers

edit: oh, sorry. didn't saw that this was already suggested...


I agree, find+select+add-to-source-control from Windows explorer is not a good option if the number of files to be version controlled is huge. As already mentioned above, explorer.exe crashes if we try to add a large number of files.

clearfsimport is the best and the most hassle free utility for this task.



clearfsimport is the best and the most hassle free utility for this task.

Unless any of the sub-directory names you are trying to import contain spaces...
