Now this is the most weird problem I've ever had in PHP.
All pages looks normal except one; when I first saw the problem I thought it was one of these common problems with IE and stylesheets (I've got a specific CSS-file on this page). I tried to exclude the CSS-file just to ensure that the problem really was in this file, but it wasn't. Then I thought I had forgotten to close any HTML tag, so I went through the code multiple times, but all seemed to be correct. So I started to put code in comments and compare with IE until I realized that when I putted the following code in a comment, the page itself acted normal:
require_once(PATH_INCLUDES . 'adjacency.php');
It's a valid path, and the file does just contain a class with functions - there's no output in any way except die() if a MySQL query fails.
Some things that look weird in IE are the following:
- The container is normally centered, now it's at the left.
- A background with repeat-x doesn't go all the way.
- The hover functionality in the menu doesn't work.
Edit: I tried to include adjacency.php in another file, and the same problem occurred.