A co-worker ran into an interesting issue today, and while I think the actual, big-picture answer is "the fact that we're having this problem means we're doing something wrong", I figured I'd ask this anyway.
Given the following:
public class CrazyEnumTest {
public class EnumeratedThing<T extends Enum<T>> {
public T myValue;
public EnumeratedThing(T value) {
myValue = value;
public static void main (String[] args) {
String className = args[0];
String enumValue = args[1];
Enum<?> value1 = Enum.valueOf(Class.forName(className), enumValue);
EnumeratedThing<?> thing1 = new EnumeratedThing(value1);
I get the following compile error on the call to Enum.valueOf:
Bound mismatch: The generic method valueOf(Class<T>, String) of type Enum<E> is not applicable for the arguments (Class<capture#1-of ?>, String). The inferred type capture#1-of ? is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <T extends Enum<T>>
So, my question is: is it possible to, given only the String representation of a enumerated type name as well as the .name() of one of its values, get a reference to the corresponding enumerated type object as an Enum?