I'm trying to create an Extension Method for MVC's htmlHelper.
The purpose is to enable or disable an ActionLink based on the AuthorizeAttribute set on the controller/action.
Borrowing from the MVCSitemap
code that Maarten Balliauw created, I wanted to validate the user's permissions against the controller/action before deciding how to render the actionlink.
When I try to get the MvcHandler, I get a null value.
Is there a better way to the the attributes for the controller/action?
Here is the code for the extension method:
public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
public static string SecurityTrimmedActionLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string action, string controller)
//simplified for brevity
if (IsAccessibleToUser(action, controller))
return htmlHelper.ActionLink(linkText, action,controller);
return String.Format("<span>{0}</span>",linkText);
public static bool IsAccessibleToUser(string action, string controller)
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
MvcHandler handler = context.Handler as MvcHandler;
IController verifyController =
.CreateController(handler.RequestContext, controller);
object[] controllerAttributes = verifyController.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorizeAttribute), true);
object[] actionAttributes = verifyController.GetType().GetMethod(action).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorizeAttribute), true);
if (controllerAttributes.Length == 0 && actionAttributes.Length == 0)
return true;
IPrincipal principal = handler.RequestContext.HttpContext.User;
string roles = "";
string users = "";
if (controllerAttributes.Length > 0)
AuthorizeAttribute attribute = controllerAttributes[0] as AuthorizeAttribute;
roles += attribute.Roles;
users += attribute.Users;
if (actionAttributes.Length > 0)
AuthorizeAttribute attribute = actionAttributes[0] as AuthorizeAttribute;
roles += attribute.Roles;
users += attribute.Users;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roles) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(users) && principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return true;
string[] roleArray = roles.Split(',');
string[] usersArray = users.Split(',');
foreach (string role in roleArray)
if (role != "*" && !principal.IsInRole(role)) return false;
foreach (string user in usersArray)
if (user != "*" && (principal.Identity.Name == "" || principal.Identity.Name != user)) return false;
return true;