




Specifically, I have two lists of strings that I'd like to combine into a string where each line is the next two strings from the lists, separated by spaces:

a = ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3']
b = ['bar1', 'bar2', 'bar3']

I want a function combine_to_lines() that would return:

"""foo1 bar1
foo2 bar2
foo3 bar3"""

I admit I've already solved this problem, so I'm going to post the answer. But perhaps someone else has a better one or sees a flaw in mine.

Update: I over-simplified my example above. In my real-world problem the lines were formatted in a more complicated manner that required the tuples returned from zip() to be unpacked. But kudos to mhawke for coming up to the simplest solution to this example.


Are you asking about the zip function?

Yes. I couldn't remember it, and a Google search took a little time to jog my memory. Perhaps this question will come up in future searches.
Daryl Spitzer
+2  A: 

The zip function "returns a list of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each of the argument sequences or iterables."

def combine_to_lines(list1, list2):
    return '\n'.join([' '.join((a, b)) for a, b in zip(list1, list2)])
Daryl Spitzer
+3  A: 
>>> a = ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3']
>>> b = ['bar1', 'bar2', 'bar3']
>>> for i in zip(a,b):
...   print ' '.join(i)
foo1 bar1
foo2 bar2
foo3 bar3

Here's a one-liner. Could do x + ' ' + y if you were so inclined, not sure if it would be slower or not.

>>> a = ['foo1', 'foo2' , 'foo3']
>>> b = ['bar1', 'bar2', 'bar3']
>>> '\n'.join(' '.join([x,y]) for (x,y) in zip(a,b))
'foo1 bar1\nfoo2 bar2\nfoo3 bar3'
>>> print _
foo1 bar1
foo2 bar2
foo3 bar3
Mark Rushakoff
'\n'.join(((str(x) + ' ' + str(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b)))
Pavel Minaev

Simple as:

" ".join([a[x] + " " + b[x] for x in range(len(a))])
Denis M
where are the new lines?
+6  A: 

It's not necessary to unpack and repack the tuples returned by zip:

'\n'.join(' '.join(x) for x in zip(a, b))