Hi All,
I am developing with Rails on Windows versions. IR 2.0 comes with Rails 2.0. What is the correct way to upgrade the rails (and Ruby) to the latest version?
Rails 2.3 Ruby 1.9
Many thanks.
Hi All,
I am developing with Rails on Windows versions. IR 2.0 comes with Rails 2.0. What is the correct way to upgrade the rails (and Ruby) to the latest version?
Rails 2.3 Ruby 1.9
Many thanks.
I'm not sure about upgrading ruby (since I haven't done it myself) but rails can be upgraded just like any other gem:
gem update rails
(right-click on the InstantRails icon->Rails Applications->OpenRuby Console Window)
Solved my own problem by using NetBeans 6.7.1. It has Rails 2.3.2 built in and webrick.I had to install MySQL server locally. If you run it on Vista you need to run it in Admin mode to get all the gems and updates.
I want to upgrade rails version in InstantRails-2.0 also from 2.0.2 to rails 2.3.8
but I am facing problem.
when I write this command in InstantRails console :
D:\InstantRails\InstantRails-2.0-win\rails_apps>gem update rails --include-dependencies
It gives me this error.
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException) HTTP Response 302 fetching http://gems.rubyforge.org/yaml
Any Help ?