



I am trying to get my install of PHP under IIS to display errors, but I'm having no luck at all. I tried


in the script, and nothing shows up, just a blank screen.

I tried editing my PHP.ini file and setting

error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On

Also tried

error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = stdout

but nothing is showing up on the screen at all when my scripts throw errors.

Any advice?


The most reliable way to turn on error reporting is to browse to the directory you installed PHP to, open "php.ini" and change the error_reporting variable in there:

error_reporting  =  E_ALL

In case you're no familiar with the PHP.ini file, double check to make sure that there is NOT a semi-colon at the start of the line.

This is essentially commented out and would be ignored:

;error_reporting  =  E_ALL

So you need to make sure you remove the semi-colon.

I already noted in my question that I had tried that and it doesn't work.
I was pointing out that a lot of people don't notice that it is still commented out. Try adding E_STRICT also, which isn't included in E_ALL and make sure you re-start IIS once you've made the changes. Check your phpinfo to check the changes have taken effect.
+2  A: 

Ensure that you're editing the PHP file in the correct location; IIS can look for a php.ini file in C:\WINDOWS rather than the install location of the PHP ISAPI or CGI module. Check the output of phpinfo(); to determine you're editing the correct php.ini file. Also, you need to restart the IIS service (or the computer overall) before those changes will be put into effect.
