



Hello all,

After working in Java for a long time, I started to get interested in Scala. As a learning project, I am trying to duplicate a java library that stores and retrieves state objects from the database. For this, I would like to be able to just specify a state object like this:

@PersistName("PERSON") case class  Person extends Entity {
  @Persist var id:Long = -1
  @Persist @MaxLength(80) var firstName = ""
  @Persist @MaxLength(80) var lastName = ""
  @Persist var gender = Gender.Male
  @Persist @MaxLength(80) var userName  = ""
  @Persist @OptionClass(classOf[Date]) var birthDay:Option[Date] = None

The code to serialize/un-serialize an instance of Person uses reflection to know the types of fields and works ok for all but the gender field. The gender field is an Enumeration that is defined as:

object Gender extends Enumeration { type Gender = Value val Male,Female,Unknown = Value } The problem is that I don’t know how I can use reflection too create a new Gender value using only the Person class.

+3  A: 

Scala's Enumeration is interesting, but case classes frequently have an edge over it:

sealed class Gender
case object Male extends Gender
case object Female extends Gender

This have the advantage of being matchable, and Scala will even complain if you test for one gender but not the other. And, it seems to slve your problem more easily. :-)


You can use to get an Int presentation of male gender value. Use Gender.apply() to get it back:

val person = Person()

println("gender = " +
// prints "gender = 0" on my mac

person.gender = Gender( // have a little operation
println("gender = " +
// prints "gender = 1" on my mac

Since you are handling the persistence bit, all you need to do is to store the Int representation of gender when serializing and restore it back to Gender when deserializing.

Use a custom annotation on the Enumeration fields if you want to generalize the solution.

Walter Chang