I want to include a open-street-map widget into my apache wicket application. Im using the wicket-contrib-openlayers component from wicket-stuff and the following code:
List<Layer> layers = new ArrayList<Layer>();
Layer layerOSMTilesAtHome = new OSM("Osmarender", OSMLayer.TilesAtHome);
Layer layerOSMMapnik = new OSM("Mapnik", OSMLayer.Mapnik);
Layer layerOSMCycleMap = new OSM("CycleMap", OSMLayer.CycleMap);
HashMap<String, String> mapOptions = new HashMap<String, String>();
Bounds boundsExtend = new Bounds(new LonLat(-20037508.34, -20037508.34), new LonLat(20037508.34, 20037508.34));
mapOptions.put("maxExtent", boundsExtend.getJSconstructor());
mapOptions.put("projection", "new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:900913')");
mapOptions.put("displayProjection", "new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326')");
mapOptions.put("units", "'meters'");
mapOptions.put("maxResolution", "156543");
mapOptions.put("numZoomLevels", "18");
OpenLayersMap map = new OpenLayersMap("map", layers, mapOptions);
This is a 1:1 copy of the SimpleOpenStreetMapExample from the component. The problem now is: How do I set the center of the map. I tried a
map.setCenter(new LonLat(5, 50), 13);
after the "add(map);" from the code above. This doesnt work, the map doesnt change at all. Im not sure what unit Lon and Lat have to be in, I also tried to convert them Mercator-System using this methods:
private static double lon2Merc(double lon) {
return 20037508.34*lon/180.0;
private static double lat2Merc(double lat) {
lat = Math.log(Math.tan((90.0 + lat)*Math.PI/360.0))/(Math.PI/180.0);
return 20037508.34*lat/180.0;
But this doesnt help, nothing changes.
So: Can anybody post a short example how to embedded a OSM-Map into Wicket and how to set the center and zoom-level?