



I can't get the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar to load on Windows 7, assuming IE 8. Therefore I am forced to use Firefox and it's toolbar. Has anyone got the Microsoft toolbar to work on Windows 7?

+3  A: 

You don't need the developer toolbar with IE8. Go to the Tools dropdown and you'll find a MUCH better set of tools under 'Developer Tools'.

Justin Niessner
Unless i've misunderstood @djangofan's question, the IE8 developer toolbar is shipped with IE8... and is the one you find on the Tools menu (e.g. F12)
I was under the impression that he was talking about the old IE7 Developer Toolbar being installed on Windows 7/IE 8.
Justin Niessner
yep, i was talking about the old toolbar. i had NO IDEA that IE8 had a new toolbar. what a surprise!
+1  A: 

It works just fine, I just hit F12 and it shows up normally.

Unfortunately the old toolbar is actually allowed to install on Windows 7 even though it doesn't work, so that threw me for a loop.