
ReportViewer - modify toolbar?

Do anyone have good ideas of how to modify the toolbar for the WinForms version of the ReportViewer Toolbar? That is, I want to remove some buttons and varius, but it looks like the solution is to create a brand new toolbar instead of modifying the one that is there. Like, I had to remove export to excel, and did it this way: // Disa...

Save drop-down history in a Firefox Toolbar.

I'm doing some testing on Firefox toolbars for the sake of learning and I can't find out any information on how to store the contents of a "search" drop-down inside the user's profile. Is there any tutorial on how to sort this out? ...

Get address of current page in Internet Explorer from toolbar

I'm trying to wrap my head around creating a toolbar (a tool band in a rebar) in MFC for Internet Explorer using COM. Is it possible to get the address of the currently viewed page (i.e., in my case :-) ) from the toolbar? If so, what should I look in to? Thanks! ...

Winforms toolbar of buttons wrapping . .

I am dynamically added a bunch of buttons to a toolbar. I want the ability to programatically make it wrap onto a second row if the number of buttons exceeds the horizontal space in the current form. I dont want users to have to click the dropdown button to view more buttons as i need to ensure that all buttons are viewable always. ar...

Internet Explorer Toolbar Tab Key

I've written a IE Toolbar in C# and everything is working fine except that when I open a child Windows Form from my toolbar, the tab key doesn't work on the child form to allow me to move from field to field. The interesting part is that when I open my child form using form.showDialog() instead of the tabs work like normal....

How do I make an item in a toolbar fill all available space in WPF

I'm trying to make an item on ToolBar (specifically a Label, TextBlock, or a TextBox) That will fill all available horizontal space. I've gotten the ToolBar itself to stretch out by taking it out of its ToolBarTray, but I can't figure out how to make items stretch. I tried setting Width to Percenatage or Star values, but it doesn't acc...

A Possible Threading/COM/UI problem

Hello, I am writing a toolbar for IE(6+). I have used the various sample bars from (, and have a toolbar that works, registers unregisters etc. What I want the toolbar to do is to highlight divs within an html page as the users' mouse moves over that div. So far the ...

Fork or copy a users browser session in IE

Is it possible to fork a users session (or do something similar) in a Internet Explorer plugin? I want to process the page the user is on when they click a button in the toolbar. To avoid interrupting the users browsing, I'd like to "copy" everything so I can parse and process the page in the background. The processing can involve thing...

Toolbar moves up when call finishes

While in a call, if the user wants to use my application, and if the call finishes, and the user is still in the application, the toolbar moves up, well all the view moves up, and so the toolbar now has a space in the bottom. Basically the height "Touch to return to call" has. I am using a toolbar and a navigation controller. The navigat...

What is the widget name of the Kde bar used in program like Kate? (image inside)

What is the object name of the Kde bar that provide buttons to hide/unhide widgets? I can't find on kde official API references. It's used in program like Kate, Kdevelop. Here the screenshot of the bar of Kate bottom: ...

Source for xaml toolbar icons?

Could you suggest a source for xaml toolbar icons (new, open, save, print)? ...

Does it make sense to use a toolbar for quick naviation?

I have a winforms application that doesn't have a shared set of tools that I can provide on a toolbar. But I want to have a toolbar, so I was planning on using that space to provide quick links to the most popular portions of the product. I will eventually add knowledge to the product to know which screens the current user favors and p...

Toolbar on windows xp and vista taskbar

I have made a toolbar that I want to enable from a systray application written in C#, the actual toolbar enabling is done from a C++ part using [DLLImport]. Current I use: SHLoadInProc(__uuidof(MyBandLoader)) but this fails on vista (SHLoadInProc is not implemented any more), and on Windows XP SP2 with IE6 (the quick launch toolbar v...

How can I programatically tell Windows taskbar to open (or close) a given toolbar?

I have written a toolbar that runs on the taskbar. Unfortunately, after it is installed, the user has to enable it manually. Is there a way to tell explorer to open (or close) a given toolbar? I would like for the installer, NSIS, to turn on the toolbar when the installation is complete (I realize that a plugin would be necessary). I...

Changing the background of a WPF toolbar panel

I'm trying to reproduce a Visual Studio style toolbar with the two gradient backgrounds in C# code. I can see how to do it in XAML, but how do I drill into the object to change the backgound of its 'MainPanelBorder' border in my C# code ? Thanks ...

How to make a wx Toolbar buttons larger?

I've got a wx.Toolbar and I'd like to make the buttons larger. I've searched and can't seem to find any concrete documentation on how to do this. I'm also wondering how well this will translate across platforms; what will happen to the buttons and icons on OSX? ...

How do I make toolbar button expandable?

I want to have a button on my toolbar that has a little down arrow that when I press, gives me sub toolbar options. Think of the Undo/Redo buttons in Visual Studio; when I click the arrow next to the icon it pops open the list of edits I can go back to. ...

how to create Toolbar in window Application using C#

i want to create toolbar using window application in will use yahoo,gmail API. please anybody have any solution pls send me. ...

why does the BTNS_DROPDOWN style cause the whole toolbar to move down a couple pixels?

I have a CToolbar and within it I have a button with style BTNS_BUTTON|BTNS_DROPDOWN. I would like to make it a split button, so the left side of the button is a button, and the right side has a drop down menu. To complete this, I create the button then I call ::SendMessage like so: ::SendMessage( hwndForButton, TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0...

IE toolbars - getting tabbing to work correctly

hey all, I've implemented an IE toolbar, hooking up the TranslateAcceleratorIO, HasFocusIO and UIActivateIO methods of the IInputObject interface. Tabbing between my toolbar and the rest of the IE interface works great... but only after you've tabbed in to the toolbar for the first time? What I've noticed is that the expected calls to ...