
Windows executable to install IE toolbar button

I have created necessary .reg file for the toolbar button as per the link below I would like to bundle .reg file and icon files into an executable that can be used for one-click install. What is the best way to build something like that? ...

Thumbnail Toolbar Button

Hi everybody Today I have another specific question about a new feature in windows 7 called the thumbnail toolbar or the Aero Peek Toolbar if some might like to call it that way. I have been able to create a new set of toolbar buttons for my application each button with its unique icon and behavior But I haven't been able to add functio...

How to remove the dropdown icon on a WPF ToolBarTray?

How can I get rid of the grey dropdown area to the right of the text in the toolbar item below? Here is the code which produces it: ToolBar tb = new ToolBar(); tb.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent); Button button = new Button(); button.Content = "test"; button.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(button_Click); tb.Items....

How to add toolbar to bottom, top, left, or right of the inside of a listbox in WPF?

I have a listbox with a style that has rounded corners. I'd like to add a toolbar inside the listbox that pertains to that specific list box. Currently, if I add a toolbar inside the grid that contains a listbox, it will overlap the last item in the row (depending on the height of the toolbar). Does anyone have any ideas on the best w...

Get the status of IE popupwidow created from a c# application

Hi I have created an internet explorer toolbar using C#. On clicking on that toolbar button , I want to open internet explorer popup window. I have used web browser control with in the form and its invoke script method. With in the java script I have used method to open the new window popup. I need to identify whether the p...

Why doesn't a toolbar show up at the bottom of an iPhone screen?

I have a View XIB file that contains just a TableView and a Toolbar that I created in Interface Builder. View - W:320 H:372 TableView - W:320 H:328 X:160 Y:0 Toolbar - W:320 H:44 X:160 Y:328 I have not changed any of the default settings in the Inspector windows. I am not doing anything in code to manipulate the two screen ele...

Is it possible for a browser plug-in/toolbar to identify the current URL of an iFrame?

My site frames content like DiggBar and the Facebook share bar. If a user wants to break out of the framed content, and visit the underlying site directly, we cannot guarantee the current page will be displayed, since there is no way for JS or HTML to query the current URL of an iFrame (for security reasons). All we can do is show the ...

iPhone: adding segmented control to toolbar instead of buttons within navigation controller?

hey all, im new to iphone programming so if you could help me out I would appreciate it- i have been all over the web and cant find the answer to this. my current setup is like this navigation controller in MainWindow.xib > View in navigation controller in MainWindow.xib calls RootViewController.xib > RootViewController.xib contains a...

How do I resize a System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar?

I've not bothered with panels, docking, or anchors. I've simply thrown together a ToolBar control (not ToolStrip) and seem unable to size it. System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar tb = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar(); // Reports 292x28 (approx) if I check width and height // Basically the width of the form and I assume a default height tb.S...

Modules, Views, Menus, Ribbon

I am mulling over various ways to provide both navigation and general functionality in a WPF/MVVM/Unity application (the app is effectively database front-end, with usual record editing, reports, etc). I have an expander-type vertical bar to select views which is fine. But, I now feel I need a toolbar (perhaps ribbon style) to be visibl...

Why does toolbar icons in VB6 looks worst in quality when running as an EXE?

Hi, I have a toolbar in a VB6 editor program which has a 24*24 icons in 24bits color. I put in the photos in a res. resource file and load them into the program via loadImage. the problem is i can see the icon quality looks good running in debug mode but when i compile the program into an exe, there's a severe degradation going on. I h...

firefox toolbar event

Hi All, Does anyone know who to find an event occurrence on a toolbar in firefox. I want to do event logging on toolbar in firefox. Thanks ...

Where can I find a movable toolbar demo?

At the top of the Delphi IDE is a toolbar with buttons grouped together on little movable trays. I'm trying to implement something like that, but not having much success. I've found TToolbar, but I can't figure out how to set up the movable trays. Does anyone know where I could find a simple demo app that shows how it's done? ...

How to build a 'panel' in iPhone dev (with picture)?

Hi there, I need a toolbar like "panel" that could contain text fields and buttons, just like a toolbar you can define its width and height and its position. And you can put the elements you want into the "toolbar". Like the following: Any clues? ...

iPhone dev: How to build this UI? (two textfileds in a 'panel')

Hi, there, I want to build a UI like the followling: I need two textfields appear in a "panel" and I have control of that "panel" to have it display or not display. How can I make that? Thanks ...

How to get a WPF Toolbar to bind to a collection in my VM without using expander

I have a WPF window that has a toolbar. I have a collection of objects in my VM that I'm binding to. They appear as buttons but they always get pushed to the expanded drop down part of the toolbar. How do I make those buttons appear in the standard part of the toolbar? I have the following XAML: <ToolBarTray Grid.Row="1"> <T...

What's the best size for toolbar icons?

Windows *.ico files and Mac *.icns files contain multiple size icons. A lot of the icons you can buy also come in various sizes. But, as far as I'm aware, most implementations of toolbars set the size that's displayed. Are there any guidelines as to the best size to use on different platforms? ...

Changing MFMailComposeViewController's toolbar color

I'm using a tinted navigation bar and a tinted global UIToolbar in my iPhone app. In my info view, I have a button which opens a MFMailComposeViewController, and the toolbar at the top of that view (with the "cancel" and "send" button) is still blue. I'm calling the MFMailComposeViewController like this: -(void)displayMailSheet { MFM...

Why do I get wrong text size for the toolbar?

In a Win32 GUI application I need to determine the width of area occupied by a string on a toolbar button so that I adjust the button width accordingly. The toolbar is plain old ToolbarWindow32 windows class. I use the following code: HDC dc = GetDC( toolbarWindowHandle ); SIZE size; GetTextExtentPoint32( dc, stringToMeasure, tcslen(...

Access 97 - how to edit/explore existing toolbar?

My current job is updating an existing Access97-Project. I haven't worked with Access in a long time and i can't find out, how i can explore a toolbar called "sbmbDrucken" which is obviously user-created. I just need access to the action or the code which is called by the buttons... Is there any menu entry i missed or do i need special ...