I understand I can call this
$memcache_obj = memcache_connect('memcache_host', 11211);
in the header files of my site with no impact on pages that don't use memcache but what about this
$memcache->connect('', 11211);
Should this be called on a page to page basis?
what if the server does not have enough memory to write new caches and memcache tries to store a cache?
I know keys can have up to a 30 day lifespan,
Is there a way to flush all keys out of memory, especially useful for testing phase?
Also this code, the first variable is connecting, so for example if I have 5 sections on a page that add/update/delete from memcache, do I need to run this connection everytime, or is it possible to connect 1 time and do everything per page load?
memcache_set($memcache_obj, 'var_key', 'some variable', 0, 30)
5) Is there a function or anything to show like how much memory is available and being used on a php page?