This is a fairly typical range-finding problem, with the concatenation thrown in. Not sure if the following fits exactly, but it's a starting point. (Cursors are usually best avoided except in the small set of cases where they are faster than set-based solutions, so before the cursor haters get on me please note I use a cursor here on purpose because this smells to me like a cursor-friendly problem -- I typically avoid them.)
So if I create data like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sourceValues](
[Start] [int] NOT NULL,
[End] [int] NOT NULL,
[Item] [varchar](100) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[sourceValues] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [End_after_Start] CHECK (([End]>[Start]))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[sourceValues] CHECK CONSTRAINT [End_after_Start]
declare @i int; set @i = 0;
declare @start int;
declare @end int;
declare @item varchar(100);
while @i < 1000
set @start = ABS( CHECKSUM( newid () ) % 100 ) + 1 ; -- "random" int
set @end = @start + ( ABS( CHECKSUM( newid () ) % 10 ) ) + 2; -- bigger random int
set @item = char( ( ABS( CHECKSUM( newid() ) ) % 5 ) + 65 ); -- random letter A-E
print @start; print @end; print @item;
insert into sourceValues( Start, [End], Item) values ( @start , @end, @item );
set @i += 1;
Then I can treat the problem like this: each "Start" AND each "End" value represents a change in the collection of current Items, either adding one or removing one, at a certain time. In the code below I alias that notion as "event," meaning an Add or Remove. Each start or end is like a time, so I use the term "tick." If I make a collection of all the events, ordered by event time (Start AND End), I can iterate through it while keeping a running tally in an in-memory table of all the Items that are in play. Each time the tick value changes, I take a snapshot of that tally:
declare @tick int;
declare @lastTick int;
declare @event varchar(100);
declare @item varchar(100);
declare @concatList varchar(max);
declare @currentItemsList table ( Item varchar(100) );
create table #result ( Start int, [End] int, Items varchar(max) );
declare eventsCursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD for
select tick, [event], item from (
select start as tick, 'Add' as [event], item from sourceValues as adds
union all
select [end] as tick, 'Remove' as [event], item from sourceValues as removes
) as [events]
order by tick
set @lastTick = 1
open eventsCursor
fetch next from eventsCursor into @tick, @event, @item
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
if @tick != @lastTick
set @concatList = ''
select @concatList = @concatlist + case when len( @concatlist ) > 0 then '-' else '' end + Item
from @currentItemsList
insert into #result ( Start, [End], Items ) values ( @lastTick, @tick, @concatList )
if @event = 'Add' insert into @currentItemsList ( Item ) values ( @item );
else if @event = 'Remove' delete top ( 1 ) from @currentItemsList where Item = @item;
set @lastTick = @tick;
fetch next from eventsCursor into @tick, @event, @item;
close eventsCursor
deallocate eventsCursor
select * from #result order by start
drop table #result
Using a cursor for this special case allows just one "pass" through the data, like a running totals problem. Itzik Ben-Gan has some great examples of this in his SQL 2005 books.