



I have content that is first htmlentities and then stripslashes followed by nl2br.

This means a watermark at the end ends up as:

<li><p><!-- watermark --></p></li>

Not very useful. I have the code below to try and strip the html comments and stop it displaying but its not very good at it!

$methodfinal = str_replace('<li><p><!--', '<!--', $method);
$methodfinal2 = str_replace('--></p></li>', '-->', $methodfinal);
echo $methodfinal2;

anyone got any ideas?


Something like this?

$final = preg_replace("/<li><p>(<!--.*-->)<\/p><\/li>/", "$1", $original);

EDIT: following Zed's and your comments I've done some testing and this is what you should use:

$final = preg_replace('/<li><p>[\s]*?&lt\;!--(.*?)--&gt\;<\/p><\/li>/m', "<!--$1-->", $z);

Here is a breakdown of the RE:


this is obvious


because you have a few spaces and a newline between the <li> and the comment, but we want the least number of newlines so we use the non greedy *? (it sould work with * as well)


need to escape the ;


again we use *? so we would match only this line (other wise if you had the same line again it wold match from the first one to the last one


same as above


so php would treat newlines as whitespace (i am not sure about this but it seems to be working)

Nir Levy
no luck...
So now we can only hope for not having a > sign in the comment ;)
Daniel, it's not working, because your html source is incorrect. The comment have <!-- and --> on the sides instead of < and >.
@Daniel, Zed is right please do not use what i wrote. @Zed you are right, i should have used non-greedy ?* but i don't have any way of testing this now. sorry.
Nir Levy
so $final = preg_replace("/<li><p>( wont work?
anyone hazard a guess? it shouldnt be too difficult to preg_replace two tags?
thank you so much!! What would i do without Stack?


Lets be more caring:

$final = preg_replace("/<li><p>(<!--.*?-->)<\/p><\/li>/", "$1", $original);
# use .*? every time over .* unless you specificly want what it does
# .*? matches as less as it can
# .* matches as much as it can

even better:

$final = preg_replace("/<li><p>(<!--[^\-\>]+-->)<\/p><\/li>/", "$1", $original);
# [^\-\>]+ will look for any character that is not - or > 
# so will perform faster

Just trying to advocate better regex practice. Hope this helps.

well the FINAL winning statment was:preg_replace('/<li><p>[\s]*?!--(.*?)--<\/p><\/li>/m', "<!--$1-->", $original);can it be improved in the same manner?
There is no point using <b>[\s]*?</b>. You should use <b>\s*</b>. If you had a set of characters like say spaces or digits, you could use [\s\d] or [\s0-9]. To make it match more than single character, use + (1 or more) or * (zero or more) or ? (none or one) after it. Then think about using *? to match zero or more, (match as minimum as possible). You can understand \s*? is not as sensible as .*?So use \s+ (at least one space, may be more ) or \s* (zero or more space) or \s? (zero or one space) here.preg_replace('/<li><p>\s*!--(.*?)--<\/p><\/li>/m', "<!--$1-->", $original);
Why can't I format my comment? Can the moderators do that?