As compared to say: REPLICATE(@padchar, @len - LEN(@str)) + @str
11This is simply an inefficient use of SQL, no matter how you do it.
perhaps something like
right('XXXXXXXXXXXX'+ @str, @n)
where X is your padding character and @n is the number of characters in the resulting string (assuming you need the padding because you are dealing with a fixed length).
But as I said you should really avoid doing this in your database.
There is no more efficient way than that.
Really, it's not too bad - you're able to tell it exactly how much space to add.
I'm not sure that the method that you give is really inefficient, but an alternate way, as long as it doesn't have to be flexible in the length or padding character, would be (assuming that you want to pad it with "0" to 10 characters:
DECLARE @pad_characters VARCHAR(10)
SET @pad_characters = '0000000000'
SELECT RIGHT(@pad_characters + @str, 10)
@padstr = REPLICATE(@padchar, @len) -- this can be cached, done only once
SELECT RIGHT(@padstr + @str, @len)
Ew I wouldn't dirty my data like that. Perform the string manipulation in code instead.
In SQL Server 2005 and later you could create a CLR function to do this.
probably overkill, I often use this UDF:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[f_pad_before](@string VARCHAR(255), @desired_length INTEGER, @pad_character CHAR(1))
-- Prefix the required number of spaces to bulk up the string and then replace the spaces with the desired character
RETURN ltrim(rtrim(
WHEN LEN(@string) < @desired_length
THEN REPLACE(SPACE(@desired_length - LEN(@string)), ' ', @pad_character) + @string
ELSE @string
So that you can do things like:
select dbo.f_pad_before('aaa', 10, '_')
Several people gave versions of this: right('XXXXXXXXXXXX'+ @str, @n)
be careful with that because it will truncate your actual data if it is longer than n.
How about this:
replace((space(3 - len(MyField))
3 is the number of zeros to pad
Perhaps an over kill I have these UDFs to pad left and right
ALTER Function [dbo].[fsPadLeft](@var varchar(200),@padChar char(1)='0',@len int)
returns varchar(300)
return replicate(@PadChar,@len-Len(@var))+@var
and to right
ALTER function [dbo].[fsPadRight](@var varchar(200),@padchar char(1)='0', @len int) returns varchar(201) as
--select @padChar=' ',@len=200,@var='hello'
return @var+replicate(@PadChar,@len-Len(@var))