Hello, I am implementing some methods which use switch statements to distinguish between different cases:
private void doThis(){
case on: {status = doCalculationsA; break;}
case off: {status = doCalculationsB; break;}
case idle: {status = doCalculationsC; break;}
case stdby:{status = doCalculationsD; break;}
The above works fine, when, further down the business logic, I call doThis() inside other methods which need the doThis() functionality.
However, at this moment I am a bit confused how to incorporate other conditions/restrictions posed on each case of the above switch.
I mean, when I call doThis() within say biggerOperation(), I have new conditions that need to be applied against each case of the switch belonging in the doThis() function:
Sample logic:
execute "case: on" of doThis()
else if(somethingElseIsTrue){
execute "case: off" of doThis()
else if(aThirdThingIsTrue){
execute "case: idle" of doThis()
else if(aFourthThingIsTrue){
execute "case: stdby" of doThis()
I have not been able to figure out an elegant, clean and compact way to do this as of now. Are there any ideas perhaps? How can I explicitly target each case of a switch? Could I use a new switch to implement that conditional logic?
Any suggestions are welcome. Much appreciate your help.