Where can I find information like how to make input text, input password, radiobutton, checkbox and textarea in a software made with java?
Please note the [html] tag, I don't think Swing is appropriate here.
2009-08-02 20:08:35
good point, if this is for HTML, i will delete the answer, if it is for 'software made with java' this would be fitting.
2009-08-02 20:13:07
I used the html tag, because I took the names input text, input password, radiobutton, checkbox and textarea from html and I didn't know how to talk about them with java terms.
Delirium tremens
2009-08-02 20:17:45
The original question did not mention HTML or Swing. Yes it's in the tag but should have been mentioned in the question.
Steve Kuo
2009-08-02 22:43:51
It depends on the GUI toolkit you are using.
You've tagged this HTML, so if you are generating webpages — just output the HTML for the form controls you want.
David Dorward
2009-08-02 20:10:29
It depends on what framework you choose to use for your web application. The Java EE Tutorial is a good place to start and it covers Servlets, JSP and Java Server Faces. Other web-enabling frameworks include:
2009-08-02 20:12:09