I have a function that generates a prepared INSERT statement based on an associative array of column names and values to be inserted into that column and a table name (a simple string):
function insert ($param, $table) {
$sqlString = "INSERT INTO $table (".implode(', ',array_keys($param)).') VALUES ('.str_repeat('?, ', (count($param) - 1)).'?)';
if ($statement = $this->conn->prepare($sqlString)):
$parameters = array_merge(array($this->bindParams($param), $param));
call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_param', $parameters));
if (!$statement->execute()):
die('Error! '.$statement->error());
return true;
die("Could Not Run Statement");
My problem is that $this->conn->prepare (it's part of a class, conn is a NEW mysqli object, which works with no issues) returns false, but does not give me a reason why!
Here is a sample $sqlString that gets built for the prepare statement:
INSERT INTO students (PhoneNumber, FirstName, MiddleInit, LastName, Email, Password, SignupType, Active, SignupDate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Can anyone see a problem with this parameterized statement? Any reason the prepare function would return false?