I'm getting the following strange looking error.
- Unexpected PHP error [Use of undefined constant s - assumed 's'] severity [E_NOTICE] in [C:\Documents and Settings\yepthatsme\My Documents\Dev\nicnames\main\resources\includes\name.inc.php line 180]
The line it is referring to has:
$types = nicnames_config::$resourcetypes;
nicnames_config::$resourcetypes is an array. I have no idea where this 's' it talks about is coming from, and I'm beginning to think it may be a PHP bug, though perhaps I have missed something. Where should I look?
I am using SimpleTest to do testing, and this error is occurring during a particular test.
In case you're interested, here is that line in context:
function getstrings()
// returns array of strings suitable for human-readable rendering of this
// piece of informtion. Contains such fields as 'title', 'subtitle',
// 'pre-qualifier', 'post-qualifier', 'comment', etc
$types = nicnames_config::$resourcetypes; // line 180
$type = isset($types['name_type'][$this->type]) ?
$types['name_type'][$this->type] : $this->type;
$givens = $this->givennames == '' ? null : $this->givennames;
return array(
'title' => $this->surnamefirst ? ($this->surname . ',') : $givens,
'subtitle' => $this->surnamefirst ? $givens : $this->surname,
'pre-qualifier' => $type,
'post-qualifier' => $this->title == '' ? null : ('(' . $this->title . ')'),
) + $this->getcommonstrings();
Edit: problem is now solved, see my own answer.