I have seen in some applications the cursor changing. How do you do that? Thanks
thanks for the answers guys :)helped a lot. also, Ill read through that tutorial
2009-08-03 09:45:09
Glad it helped =)Just on a side note, the reason why i prefer the java implentation is that when doing it inside flash, the cursor is dependent on the framerate which i totally *hate*, it get's better with updateAfterEvent but still not good enough for me, plus that it slows down the performance too
2009-08-03 10:53:21
If you only need default system cursors (arrow, button, hand and I-beam) its better to use this: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AS3LCR/Flash_10.0/flash/ui/Mouse.html#cursor
2009-08-11 14:45:38