



I'm a big fan of the way Visual Studio will give you the comment documentation / parameter names when completing code that you have written and ALSO code that you are referencing (various libraries/assemblies).

Is there an easy way to get inline javadoc/parameter names in Eclipse when doing code complete or hovering over methods? Via plugin? Via some setting? It's extremely annoying to use a lot of libraries (as happens often in Java) and then have to go to the website or local javadoc location to lookup information when you have it in the source jars right there!

+11  A: 

Short answer would be yes.

You can attach source using the properties for a project.

Go to Properties (for the Project) -> Java Build Path -> Libraries

Select the Library you want to attach source/javadoc for and then expand it, you'll see a list like so:

Source Attachment: (none)
Javadoc location: (none)
Native library location: (none)
Access rules: (No restrictions)

Select Javadoc location and then click Edit on the right hahnd side. It should be quite straight forward from there.

Good luck :)

You should of course note that you can also do the same to the Source Attachment section if you have the actual source you want to attach. Then you get the Javadoc and you can look at the actual source directly if you want to.
+2  A: 

When you add a jar file to a classpath you can attach a source directory or zip or jar file to that jar. In the Java Build Path properties, on the Libraries tab, expand the entry for the jar and you'll see there's an item for the source attachment. Select this item and then click the Edit button. This lets you select the folder, jar or zip that contains the source.

Additionally, if you select a class or a method in the jar and CTRL+CLICK on it (or press F3) then you'll go into the bytecode view which has an option to attach the source code.

Doing these things will give you all the parameter names as well as full javadoc.

If you don't have the source but do have the javadoc, you can attach the javadoc via the first method. It can even reference an external URL if you don't have it downloaded.


Another thought for making that easier when using an automated build:

When you create a jar of one of your projects, also create a source files jar:

Instead of going into the build path options dialog to add a source reference to each jar, try the following: add one source reference through the dialog. Edit your .classpath and using the first jar entry as a template, add the source jar files to each of your other jars.

This way you can use Eclipse's navigation aids to their fullest while still using something more standalone to build your projects.


I've found that sometimes, you point to the directory you'd assume was correct, and then it still states that it can't find the file in the attached source blah blah.

These times, I've realized that the last path element was "src". Just removing this path element (thus indeed pointing one level above the actual path where the "org" or "com" folder is located) magically makes it work.

Somehow, Eclipse seems to imply this "src" path element if present, and if you then have it included in the source path, Eclipse chokes. Or something like that.
