




I have a Java application that monitors a folder for incoming XML files. When a new file is detected I need to test the file that it is not currently being updated and is closed. My thought is to use File.canWrite() to test this. Is there any issue with doing this? Is this a good way to test that a file has been completely written?

Other ideas I am throwing around are:

  • Parse the incoming XML file and test that the closing tag is there.
  • Check for the EoF character.

I just am not sure that any of these methods will handle all scenarios.

+12  A: 
+1  A: 

As far as I know, there is no way to tell if another process currently has an open handle to a file from Java. One option is to use the FileLock class from new io. This isn't supported on all platforms, but if the files are local and the process writing the file cooperates, this should work for any platform supporting locks.

+4  A: 

Additionally, if you do a check followed by a write, then you have a race condition. The state could change between the check and the write. Sometimes its best to try and do the thing you want and handle errors gracefully. perhaps an n-attempt retry mechanism with a increased fallback delay time.

Or redefine your test. In this case, you could perhaps test that the filesize hasn't changed over a period of time before processing it.

Another option is to split the code into two, you could have another thread -- perhaps a quartz task -- responsible for moving finished files into a different directory that your main code processes.


If you control both the reader and writer, then a potential locking technique would be to create a lock directory -- which is typically an atomic operation -- for the read and the write process duration. If you take this type of approach, you have to manage the potential failure of a process resulting in a "hanging" lock directory.

As Cheekysoft mentioned, files are not atomic and are ill suited for locking.

If you don't control the writer -- for instance if it's being produced by an FTP daemon -- then the rename technique or delay for time span technique are your best options.

+1  A: 

One thing that appears to work in Windows is this - Create a File() object that represents the file in question (using constructor with full filename) - Create a second identical File Object, same way. - Try firstFile.renameTo(secondFile)

This dummy renaming exercise seems to succeed with files that are not open for editing by another app (I tested with Word), but fails if they are open.

And as the nw filename = the old filename it doesn't create any other work.

This rename trick only works on windows, right?

Thanks a lot Griff,

The Trick with firstFile.renameTo(secondFile) works fine!

Roman Würsch