



I need to explode by "," then ":". Easy enough...

$alttitle = "35:title1,36:title2, 59:title5"
$replacetitles = explode(",",$alttitle);
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($replacetitles) ; $i++) {
   $replacetitle[] = explode(":", $replacetitles[$i]);

Which produces...

Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 35 [1] => title1 ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 36 [1] => title2 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 59 [1] => title5 ) )

...but the number 35,36,59 are unique so I want this to become the key for the array?

Array ( [35] => title1 [36] => title2 [59] => title5 )


After your code you can add this:

$ar = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($replacetitle); $i++) {
    $ar[$replacetitle[$i][0]] = $replacetitle[$i][1];
it is generally better to be in the habit of not using count (or other functions) on a fixed value in a loop expression. for ($i = 0, $t = count($replacetitle); $i < $t; $i++) {
This one is probably one of the least efficient solution. Your adding a another loop to create something you should of done first.
Andrew Moore
thank you very much!
@Andrew Moore can you please show me your solution?
+4  A: 

Simply set it while looping:

$alttitle = "35:title1,36:title2, 59:title5"
$tmptitles = explode(",",$alttitle);

$replacetitle = array();
foreach($tmptitles as $tmptitle) {
   $tmparr = explode(":", trim($tmptitle));
   $replacetitle[intval($tmparr[0])] = trim($tmparr[1]);

With the above, you will create your array a minimum number of iterations.

Andrew Moore
if you add a `trim` to `$tmparr[0]`, this will be the IMHO most elegant solution.
heh, sorry there seems to be a lag where I am. How do I split more than 1 correct answer?! :)
**@EddyR:** You can't. Chose the one that suits you best, which would be usually the community chose.
Andrew Moore

Here's my take

$alttitle  = "35:title1,36:title2, 59:title5";

$entries   = preg_split( "/ *, */", $alttitle );
$flattened = array();

for ( $i = 0, $l = count( $entries ); $i < $l; $i++)
  list( $index, $value ) = explode( ':', $entries[$i] );
  $flattened[$index] = $value;

print_r( $flattened );


Now with speed test vs explode/trim

$testData = implode( ',', array_fill( 1, 10000, "a,b, c,  d" ) );

$start = microtime( true );
$entries = explode( ",", $testData );
$ouptput = array();

for ( $i = 0, $l = count( $entries ); $i < $l; $i++ )
  $output[] = trim( $entries[$i] );
echo "explode/trim test took: ", ( microtime( true ) - $start ), ' seconds<br>';

unset( $start, $entries, $output );

$start = microtime( true );
$entries = preg_split( "/ *, */", $testData );
$ouptput = array();

for ( $i = 0, $l = count( $entries ); $i < $l; $i++ )
  $output[] = $entries[$i];
echo "preg_split test took: ", ( microtime( true ) - $start ), ' seconds<br>';
Peter Bailey
preg_split is much less performant than explode followed by trim.
Are you sure about that? Try the test I posted above.
Peter Bailey
**@Peter Bailey:** Your code fails to handle input such as `32:My Nice Book, 57:The Terror Of The Seas, 92: Hello World`
Andrew Moore
@Andrew - thanks, good catch. Fixed.
Peter Bailey
**@Peter Bailey:** And in the interest of keeping the result the same as using `trim`, you should use `preg_split( "/\s*,\s*/m", $alttitle );`
Andrew Moore
Well, technically speaking if I wanted to 100% mimic trim(), it would need to be `"/[\\s\\r\\n\\0\\x0B]*,[\\s\\r\\n\\0\\x0B]*/"` but I'll leave such minutiae as an exercise for EddyR
Peter Bailey
On my machine (WinXP, Core2Duo) explode+trim needs about .04 seconds and preg_split needs .047 seconds with your test. Small, but significant.
Significant? *Really?* .007 seconds on 10,000 iterations when the likely sample data set is going to be far less? I think you worry too much about premature optimizations. P.S. with multiple runs, the preg_split test ran an average of 60% faster, although in some test runs the explode/trim test was faster, which for me even further highlights why niggling over this sort of thing is academic at best.
Peter Bailey

Here is another but probably overkill alternative.

if (!preg_match_all('/([0-9]+)\s*:\s*([^,]+)/', $alttitle, $matches)) {
    //not valid   

$array = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]);
Tom Haigh