



Say I have a User model with the following code in User.rb:

before_create :create_dependencies
after_create :build_inbox

And I also have a users.yml file with a bunch of user fixtures defined in it.

When I run rake db:fixtures:load, it doesn't appear to trigger the callbacks.

  1. Is this how it is expected to work? If so, why did they design it this way?
  2. Is there a way to force the triggering of the callbacks when loading fixtures?

Thanks, Tom

+6  A: 

Is this how it is expected to work? If so, why did they design it this way?

Yes, fixtures do not use callbacks. I'm assuming this is for performance reasons. It is quicker to load the data straight into the database without instantiating the model.

Is there a way to force the triggering of the callbacks when loading fixtures?

Not that I know of. You have a couple options. One is to build your fixtures as if the callbacks were already triggered. That is, manually create the data that the callbacks would. For example, if you have a callback which hashes a user's password you would need to hash the password manually and then store that hash in the fixture.

The second solution (and highly recommended!) is to use factories. Factories do trigger callbacks and allow you to use virtual attributes, etc. This is because they do instantiate the model each time. One popular gem is Factory Girl. Another one to try is Machinist. I have also created a Railscasts episode on the topic.

Perfect, thanks.
+1 to factory girl. Switched to it abot 2 months ago, and I never looked back.
Dan Frade