



I'm working on a C#/VB.Net project that uses SVN and TeamCity build server. A dozen or so assemblies are produced by the build. I want to control the assembly versions so that they all match up and also match the TeamCity build label.

I've configured TeamCity to use a build label of


Where Major and Minor are constants that I set manually, {Revision} is determined by the SVN repository version at checkout and {Build} is a TeamCity auto-incrementing build counter. So an example build label would be


What techniques would you suggest to ensure that all of the assembly versions match the TeamCity build label?

+1  A: 

We're using and SVN. We drive it the other way. We are using the MSBuildCommunityTasks Version task in an MSBuild script to increment the version number for CI builds and using that version number to tag the source code.

EDIT: Asked for more detail on MSBuild targets...
We use a separate script that is for the CI build and is not used for the developer builds. We tried using different targets in the MSBuild files that studio uses as project files but this got to be a headache and required manual editing of files that studio was generating.
The structure of the MSBuild file is pretty straightforward:

  1. Import extra pieces

    <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
    <!-- contains some variables that set project names, paths etc. -->
    <Import Project="Properties.msbuild"/>

  2. BeforeBuild: set new version number and rewrite the AssemblyInfo file

    <Version VersionFile="$(VersionFile)" BuildType="None" RevisionType="Increment">
    <Output TaskParameter="Major" PropertyName="Major" />
    <Output TaskParameter="Minor" PropertyName="Minor" />
    <Output TaskParameter="Build" PropertyName="Build" />
    <Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Revision" />

    <!--Modify Assembly Info-->
    <AssemblyInfo CodeLanguage="CS"
    AssemblyDescription="$(AssemblyDescription) svn:@(SanitizedSvnUrl) revision:$(SvnRevision)"
    AssemblyCompany="Your company name"
    AssemblyProduct="Name of product"
    AssemblyCopyright="Copyright © your company 2009"
    ComVisible="false" Guid="$(WindowGuid)"
    Condition="$(Revision) != '0' " />

  3. Build: build the actual project file MSBuild script in release mode

  4. AfterBuild: we run our unit test projects (as a guard against creating tags for broken builds in the next steps), use the SvnInfo tasks and some RegexReplace tasks to set some variables up with paths and tag names, and use the SvnCopy task to create the tag.

<SvnCopy UserName="username"
DestinationPath="@(SvnTagsPath)/BUILD-$(TargetAssembly)-$(Major).$(Minor).$(Build).$(Revision)" Message="Tagging successful build" />

Hamish Smith
Woudl it be possible to expand on this answer a bit? For example, what do the MSBuild targets look like?
Tim Long
IMHO, the question was not about what CI system to use, but about how to implement a specific task in a TeamCity.
@arconaut: thanks. Nothing in my answer is saying that @Tim Long should use CC.NET, I merely prefaced the answer with the tools that I am using so that it was clear why the answer wasn't specifically about TeamCity.
Hamish Smith