There seems to be no shortage of questions out there about this, but it's a little more difficult to find solid answers that aren't woefully out of date. I'm taking my first (baby) steps with Rails (and Ruby, for that matter) and I'd really like to use UUIDs as my primary key. In fact, for most of my projects, it's all but essential since I frequently have to move chunks of data between one database and another.
As far as I can tell, Rails has no native means of handling this need. I'm running Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.3.3. Am I missing something? Is there a later version that might offer this capability? Is it perhaps on the roadmap somewhere? Is there any other way to provide this capability? Rails is pretty much a non-starter for me (beyond the academic) without UUID support.
Being new to Ruby and Rails, I'm still learning all of the right places to look for info/answers so I may be too quick in asking this question here. Nonetheless, any insight I can get would be much appreciated.